Olive Rush Memorial Studio


Mara Saxer, Property Management and Restoration

MA in Architecture with a certificate in Historic Preservation. Thirteen years working in historic preservation: first specialized in window restoration, then as Preservation Projects and Programs Manager for the Historic Santa Fe Foundation. Currently manages her own building restoration, historic property management and preservation consulting company, Bitterbrush Restoration. Is a stained glass, jewelry and mixed recycled media artist operating as Bitterbrush Workshop. As a volunteer, co-founded ArtWalk Santa Fe, in its fourth year of providing free community art events and opportunities for emerging artists. Lives in Santa Fe, NM.

Board of Directors

Liz Kohlenberg, Chair

PhD in Social, Medical and Urban/Regional Geography.  Retired from twenty-seven years directing applied research and data analysis for the agency of social and health services in Washington state, and seven years as head of her own geographic research consulting firm. As a volunteer, co-founded and chaired three open-concept public and non-profit preschool and elementary school programs, helped run a state school funding initiative and several issue campaigns, chaired her legislative district Democratic party organization, and served two terms on her county’s Planning Commission. Currently volunteers as a vocal improvisation teacher and chair of her Homeowner Association Board. Singer, poet, cook, and gardener. Lives in Olympia, WA.  

Joy Surdam, Vice Chair

BA in International Relations, MA in Spanish and Political Science, PhD in Counselor Education. Licensed Psychologist, Counselor and Mediator. Forty years as a psychologist in private practice. Retired from twenty-six years as counselor and faculty at community colleges and state universities, and several years teaching middle school social studies and Spanish. As a volunteer, served on the boards of the school district, public library, community recreation center, Wyoming Children’s Society, and the Wyoming-Goias Partners of the Americas. President of Laramie Zonta International and held other Zonta board positions. Has been treasurer for the Wyoming Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, president of the Colorado-Wyoming Association for Women in Education, state chair of the International Council of Psychologists, and secretary of the Wyoming Psychological Association. Tennis player, traveler, learning guitar. Lives in Jackson, WY and Bloomington, IN.

Leah Kohlenberg, Treasurer  

BA in History and Journalism and several years of private art classes mostly in Europe. Worked for twenty years as a journalist and journalism trainer in U.S. and abroad, and twenty-five years as a full-time working painter and art teacher. Runs an online art school called the Roaming Studio. As a volunteer, spent past six years as Chair of the Board of the nonprofit Portland Open Studio Board; past eight years on the Board. Gardener. Lives in Portland, OR.

Judith Gottlieb, Secretary

BA in History and Sociology, BS in Geology, MS in Engineering. Retired from work regulating and teaching the operators of secondary water treatment systems for a state agency. As a volunteer, clerked Milwaukee Friends Meeting and many of its committees; was recording clerk for Illinois Yearly Meeting (Quakers) and clerk of their publications committee. Co-founded and coordinates her township community garden. Musician and gardener. Lives in McHenry, IL.

Ellie Bewley, Director

BA and MA in Physical Education. Retired from twenty years teaching and coaching physical education at Rio Hondo Community College, followed by twenty years as Dean of Physical Education and Athletic Director. As a volunteer, spent twenty-four years as an Earlham College Trustee and clerk of Earlham School of Religion governance committee and student life committee. Spent ten years on Earlham School of Religion Board of Advisors, three as clerk. Twenty years on Rio Hondo College Foundation, twenty years on board of Whittier YMCA. Clerk of First Friends Church in Whittier for four years; clerked several other committees. Lives in Whittier, CA.

Christine Cradler, Director

MA in Education, specialization in Montessori Education. Thirty years teaching in three existing Montessori schools, established a non-profit home school and taught/directed for three years. As a volunteer, clerked Multnomah Friends Meeting and Bridge City Friends Meeting, served on many Quaker committees in local, regional, and international matters. Spent twenty-eight years volunteering with AFS Intercultural Programs as trainer and student/host family liaison. Currently serving on Board of Advisors for Earlham School of Religion. Gardener and singer. Lives in Portland, OR.

Leslie Jones, Director

BA in History of Art and BFA in Interior Design from University of Michigan. Retired after 27 years as head of Leslie Jones and Associates, Inc., an interior design firm based in Chicago’s west loop, specializing in residential and commercial interiors; and ten years in other architecture and design firms.  As a volunteer, serves on the Dean’s Advisory Council for Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan; the Grand Teton National Park Foundation Resource Council in Jackson, WY; Chicago Open Lands; and the board of Performance Santa Fe.  Avid watercolorist and oil painter. Interested in native prairie restoration, botany, vegetable gardening, architectural restoration and contemporary art and architecture.  Loves skiing, hiking, biking and pickleball. Lives in Santa Fe NM and Jackson WY.   

Deborah Lewis, Director

BA in Education. Retired from twenty years running a daycare and wallpapering business and six years as Friends Resident for University Friends Meeting. As a volunteer, clerked Milwaukee Friends Meeting, Port Townsend Friends Meeting and Olympia Friends Meeting. Currently serves on many Quaker committees in local, regional, and international matters, and cooks for local homeless shelter. Lives in Olympia, WA.

Alana McGrattan, Director

BA in Humanities from St. Mary’s College, MA in Education from the University of Notre Dame, and MLS from Columbia University. Retired from the Santa Fe Indian School as Library Media Coordinator. Worked in Native American Education and Libraries since 1976. Runs a family farm in Corrales NM with nine acres in organic produce; the rest in pasture harvested for livestock. As a volunteer, is helping to organize the extensive Santa Fe Indian School archives, which include materials pertaining to Olive Rush. Currently volunteers as Chair of the New Mexico Chapter of the Living New Deal, Chair of the New Mexico State Library Foundation and Social Chair of Albuquerque Sister Cities Foundation. Lives in Corrales and Santa Fe, NM.

Edward J. Roibal, Director

Juris Doctorate. Over 35 years of Practicing law in New Mexico.  Experienced as title examiner, and as title insurance underwriting and claims attorney for numerous national title insurance companies.  Former Executive Director and President of New Mexico Land Title Association. Member and Past Chair of the Real Property and Trust Section of the New Mexico State Bar. Recipient, NMLTA Omer Tucker Citizen of the Year and the P.C. Templeton Lifetime Achievement Awards.  Santa Fe native currently in private practice and living in Albuquerque, NM. 


Pete Warzel, Director

BA in English and History, graduate work in English and Business. Retired Executive Director of the Historic Santa Fe Foundation. Served as Board Director of Nuevo Mexico Profundo. Previous business experience: Vice President Industrial Relations at Tele-Communications Inc.; President and Chief Operating Officer at United Artist Theatres Inc.; Chairman at the National Association of Theatre Owners; Consultant for Cineplex Odeon Corporation (Canada) and Santa Fe Railyard Community Corporation. Writer, photographer. Lives in Santa Fe, NM and Denver, CO. 

Priscilla Woodman, Director

BS in Earth Science, MS in Geology, summer painting classes at Corcoran Art School. Retired from four years for a Scout Camp teaching lifesaving and swimming, seventeen years as a working geologist, and two years running a children’s resale business.  As a volunteer, spent sixteen years as Explorer Scout, ten years as a Scout leader; was secretary, concession stand manager, director and costume designer for a nonprofit Figure Skating Association; and Weight Watchers leader for two years.  Thirty-five years as a watercolor painter. Lives in Port Townsend, WA.