
Please donate!

Become our partner in supporting the Olive Rush Studio & Art Center!

Your generous donations will help us to:

  • Maintain and restore the historic, 150-year-old Olive Rush house and garden, including Rush’s original furnishings, frescos and wall decorations.

  • Foster creativity, artistic and spiritual adventures among locals and visitors when the house, studio and garden are open for classes, concerts and exhibits.

  • Maintain, restore and document Rush’s paintings, and her archive of photographs and letters.

  • Record oral histories of Rush’s life and the lives of her friends and neighbors.

  • Continue to document Rush’s work with local artists from the Santa Fe Indian School.

  • Describe the impact of Rush and her female and indigenous friends, students and colleagues on the worlds of art, from local to international.

We are an IRS-approved 501-C3 non-profit charity, so your donation to the Olive Rush Memorial Studio, Inc. is tax-deductible. Our EIN is 93-1732295.


To donate on-line, please fill out the form.

You are always welcome to mail us a check! Please make it payable to the Olive Rush Memorial Studio, and mail it to:

ORMS Treasurer

4784 N. Lombard Street, B-138

Portland OR 97203