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Olive Rush’s historic adobe home at 630 Canyon Road in Santa Fe, with her studio and garden, is itself a joyful work of art — from her design of the building, to the frescos and painted decorations, to the beautiful, bountiful garden. It was Rush’s artistic and spiritual home. It was the place for her truest expression of self, a reflection of her commitment to her community, her students and colleagues, and her art.

Your generous support ensures the preservation and celebration of Rush’s legacy for generations to come.

Whether you choose to join as a member, or make a fully tax-deductible donation without membership benefits, your support is critical. More than 70% of our operating budget comes from contributed funds.

The Olive Rush Memorial Studio (ORMS) which owns and operates the Olive Rush Studio & Art Center, is a tax-exempt organization as described in Section 501-C3 of the Internal Revenue Service, and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Membership Level and Benefits:

Members at every level receive the Basic Friend Benefits below:

  • A 15% discount on Olive Rush Shop purchases

  • Invitations to member-exclusive events

  • Discounts on special events and programs

Individual Membership ($45, $30 for senior 64 +, student, or low-income)

Basic Friend Benefits above plus free admission for one person for a full year.

Dual Membership ($65)

Basic Friend Benefits plus free admission for two people for a full year.

Friend and Family Membership ($100)

Basic Friend Benefits plus free admission for four people for a full year, plus two guest passes.

Supporting Membership ($250)

Friend and Family Benefits plus admission for six people for a full year, two additional guest passes, a set of Olive Rush notecards, and an invitation to a special event for Supporters and Sustainers.

Sustaining Membership ($500)

Supporting Benefits above, plus an invitation to a private tour of Rush’s frescoes and murals.